Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chemainus Christmas

Remember folks the traditional Carol ship cruise is tonight, at 6:30, the Cowichan Consort Choir will be on board the ferry, tickets are $6 and all proceeds go to local charities.  Dress warmly and please bring an item for the food bank.
Sunday is the Chemainus residential Christmas light-up.  Turn on your outside lights for the judges who will be looking for the three best light displays.
St. Michaels will be presenting the Children in Concenti's young choir at 2 pm tickets are $15 and $20 at the door.
Hope you all get out and enjoy some of the wonderful events of the Season, the volunteers spend a lot of time and energy to help show us the beauty of the Christmas Spirit.
As you head home, stop at the station to fill up and enter one or both of our new contests, we have a great assortment of Christmas cards and reasonable gift ideas to make us your one stop centre this winter, check your washer fluid and tire pressure, stay safe out there.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Chemainus Fuels: Countdown to Christmas Contest

Chemainus Fuels: Countdown to Christmas Contest: "Hi all, We decided that waiting until April 10th for the Canucks jersey contest draw was asking a lot of our loyal customers so, we ha..."

Lowest Gas Prices in Cowichan Valley
We need your help! We rely on volunteer gas price spotters to submit gas prices to British Columbia Gas Prices. If you know of any current gas prices in this area, please post them!
Cowichan Valley Gas Prices provided by

Chemainus Fuels: Canucks Contest is a Go!!

Chemainus Fuels: Canucks Contest is a Go!!: "Stop by for your gasoline and service station needs, snacks, cards, gifts a coffee and with any purchase of $25 or more you are entitled to ..."

Lowest Gas Prices in Cowichan Valley
Cowichan Valley Gas Prices provided by

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Countdown to Christmas Contest

Hi all,
We decided that waiting until April 10th for the Canucks jersey contest draw was asking a lot of our loyal customers so, we have decided to do a "Countdown to Christmas contest".
When you make a purchase at Chemainus Fuels, either gas or one of our great gift bags you will receive an entry into the Countdown Contest and if the purchase is over $25  you will receive another entry into the Jersey contest.  First prize is a lovely Christmas gift basket full of fun suprises, second prize is a fish in fish sculpture and third prize is a lovely little carved wooden box.  Enter early and enter often, draw will be held on December 24th  for the Countdown contest, so you can decide whether to spoil yourself or treat a loved one with an extra gift.
Don't forget to stop by and check out our great gift selections and hilarious t-shirts and cards, they are going fast so don't be left out.

With the dreary rain upon us it is fun to have two contests ongoing that we hope our customers will enjoy participating in and hopefully will keep you all smiling through the rain drops! 
Chemainus Fuels would like to wish all our wonderful customers a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ready for the Holidays

December 1st has arrived and there are so many events ahead on our countdown to Christmas. 
Chemainus will have their annual Christmas walking tour on December 4th, for further information call: 250-246-2421
Following that fun and productive event is the Carol ship cruise which is always a big hit, the lighted ships in the harbour, carol singing and lots of hot chocolate, contact 250-246-3944 for further information about this wonderful family event. 
Of course we all look forward to the annual "Little Town Christmas", special guest, Santa arrives in Chemainus on December 18th with the town lighting up and all the fun events in Waterwheel Park, this event is always a big hit with residents and visitors alike. 
Remember, Chemainus Fuels is also in the spirit with our on-going Canucks Jersey contest, Christmas cards, gifts and stocking stuffers along with our usual good service and helpful staff to make this December a time to prepare for the season ahead.  Look forward to seeing you all and assisting with your driving and shopping needs, feel free to just drop in and let us know what you think of all the changes and chat about any suggestions you may have to help us put the "service" in service station and thanks for following our little blog.